Yamato Report




9.January (Sunday) New Year Concert in Nara


Happy New Year! Wadaiko Yamato’s concert in Nara was a success!
Our program for this concert is called Matsuri, which we have performed for the past two years. Even though we are used to performing this program, the Nara carries a special meaning for us so we are extra nervous.
We have performed the program hundreds of times, but before the Nara concert our heart rate goes up.
But as soon as the concert starts, the warm welcome we receive from the audience reminds us that we are in Nara among friends.

23.January (Sunday) 5 days of rehearsals in Holland0123-1.JPG0123-2.JPG0123-3.JPG0123-4.JPG

We left Japan on the 17th of January and arrived in Amsterdam, Holland. We will stay here and rehearse for five days.

Real_col_Movie.pngYamato rehearsal in Holland.

24.January (Monday) Shopping for food

Today we went shopping for food. Our destination is an Asian grocery store. Yes Japanese people need rice!

25.January (Tuesday) going to Sweden

We flew from Holland to Stockholm. Tomorrow is our rehearsal. We’ll also have a TV interview and other events. We are starting to get nervous.

26.January (Wednesday) Concert in Ytterarna

We left at 3 AM for the TV station. Good morning. From 5 AM we had a live TV performance. Afterwards we went back to the hotel and had a short nap before going to the theater. I want to say that rehearsal went really well but reality is ...it wasn`t going too smoothly....Correcting details took too much time.

27.January (Thursday) Ytterarna - Interview

We had a TV interview as soon as we got to the theater. They filmed our performance and interviewed for advertisements for each theater. We had lunch and filmed another performance for a TV show. After that we did a run through of our show. Today was another full schedule.

28.Janaury (Friday) Ytterarna-First performance

Finally, the day has arrived. It is the first performance of our Gamushara(“Play with all your energy”) tour. We hardly remember anything about today. We just played with all our energy,,, we think.

29.January (Saturday) Ytterarna – Second Concert

0129-1.JPG0129-2.JPGSweden. On our way to the theater from the hotel all we see is snow, snow, snow. Today is our second concert. We also have a workshop at the theater in the afternoon. Everyone used a loud voice, swung their arms in large motions and had a satisfied expression on their face at the end.

30.January (Sunday) Ytterarna – Third Concert

This backpack is a gift from the theater. All of our members got one! Thank you!!

31.January (Monday) Traveling and setting up

This is a Chinese restaurant where we went for lunch buffet.